Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Choosing a Mobile application depending on the business requirement

Mobile Applications has the ability of selling products & services, increasing the productivity and awareness of the brand. Today’s mobile devices are capable of providing the basis for exciting applications. New business applications are coming up, which is in turn permitting partners and employees to work more productively, even after high demand for consumer apps.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Increase in the rise of mobile search

The number of people searching on the mobile phone is rising today, due to the growth of mobile devices around the world. Mobile search provides the company with opportunities to reach its customers at the right time and in a right way. People using their mobile devices to search, continues to grow, as the mobile adoption rates rise.

Devices like, Smartphone, and tablets are gaining market share, as they are now considered as the go-to device for communicating, emailing, social networking, taking photos, and finding and researching products, services, and businesses.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

The secret powers of Android Accessibility features

There are diversified ranges of features on Android Smartphone which no one takes time to use or enjoy. The accessibility setting in the Android phone which is rarely visited by so many android users, which settings, if tweaked properly makes the use of Android Smartphone more enjoyable and flexible.
Although, most of the Android users think that these settings are meant for the disabled, however, that’s not true, everyone can make the best of its utilization.

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